About us

El Greco Miniatures is a family business, established in late 2005.

Originally starting up as resellers for several international manufacturers of historical and fantasy figures and busts, we have gradually expanded to include various accessory items to complement the figure modelling hobby, including putties, paints and brushes.

Over the years we also started to produce our own range of figures and busts, sold under our own brand name. In 2018 we acquired masters from the former Michael Roberts Ltd from the USA, and we are gradually re-producing these under our own brand. 

In 2021, we ventured into the world of 3D Printing. This new fast-growing sector is now taking the market by storm, where more and more sculptors are producing even more sculpts using digital 3D sculpting. We operate various licences from a number of creators whereby we can print and sell 3D models from these creators.

We thank you for your contributions and suggestions over the years, and welcome all feedback. Please do continue to send us emails with your finished models for the Customer Gallery - they are truly works of art and serve as inspiration to other fellow modellers.

Enjoy your visit!