Using this Site
Thank you for visiting our store. We have recently updated and re-designed our website for easier navigation. Please have a quick read-through on this page where we explain how to best use our website for a better shopping experience.
The Home Page includes the following items:
- Featured Collections - All products on our store are grouped in Collections, according to manufacturer and sub-categories like Figures, Busts, etc. The main collections are the New Relases, Coming Soon and Special Offers.
- Featured Items - These are basically a selection of New Releases. To view all the new releases, click on the View All link of the collection New Releases.
- News and Updates - Our blog announcing new releases, shop announcements and special features.
- Coming Soon - These are the forthcoming products which would be due to arrive from the various manufacturers. Delivery times will depend on the country of origin but these generally take 2-3 weeks.
- Click on the Loyalty Rewards banner to find out more about our loyalty points scheme.
- Customer Gallery - We love to showcase the finished models painted by our customers. Send us an email with photos of your painted models for your own private gallery on our site.
- You also have the option to Subscribe to our newsletter. We promise not to inundate you with emails and generally you would receive an update once a month, and for special events like sales, etc.
The Menus have now moved under the website header. These are:
- MANUFACTURERS. This lists all the figure manufacturers available through our store.
- 3D PRINTING. This menu includes anything to do with 3D printing and licensed products, including FAQs.
- PAINTING & MODELLING - This menu covers all ancillary items related to the figure painting hobby. Here you will find all the colours, paintbrushes, putty, paint stands, bases & plinths, diorama scenics and much more.
- SHOP BY TYPE - Here you can look for items according to their type, so for example 75mm Fantasy Figures, Foliage & Groundwork or Mannequins & Putties, and you will be given a list of ALL products listed under that category from ANY manufacturer.
- ABOUT US - This menu covers information about our company and also includes the website Terms and Conditions as well as the Store Policies. We encourage you to read these policies.
- COMMUNITY - This is where we reach out to you, our customers. Here we have included the Customer Gallery as well as some Tutorials that are targeted mainly to those modellers who are starting out in the hobby.
- Click on the product for more details, including product code, weight, material, etc.
- Hovering slightly over the top right corner of the image will reveal a Quick View option and an Add to Cart option. The Quick View opens a pop-up with the product details and additional product photos.
- All products are in stock unless indicated otherwise.
- Out-of-stock items are indicated with a label saying Coming Soon. You cannot add the product to the cart. If you wish to be notified when the item is back in stock, please fill in your email address in the box "Sign up for re-stock notifications". You will then automatically receive an email once the item is back in stock.
- You may also add a product to your Wishlist. You would need to login to your account in order to save your Wishlist for future use. You can add the item to your list from the product page, and to retrieve the list, click on the red heart on the bottom right of the screen.
- Prices are displayed inclusive of VAT (currently 20%) as well as exclusive of VAT.
- For discounted items, the prices show the reduced price as well as the overall saving.
You are welcome to leave product reviews for any kits that you purchase. You may leave a star rating as well as a comment if you wish. These comments will be monitored by ourselves and edited if required. Abusive or insulting comments will be NOT be posted.
Customer Accounts:
We recommend that as a customer you create an account in order to be able to Earn Rewards, have a faster checkout, and redeem points that you have earned.
If you do NOT wish to create a customer account, you are welcome to use our website and checkout as a guest.
We run a popular loyalty points REWARDS scheme. When you click on the grey tab "Rewards" on the bottom of the screen on a PC (or at the top of your screen on a mobile/tablet), you will see all the opportunities you have to gain points on our website. For full details please follow this link to the Rewards page.